Home Tools

Browse tools

Total uses: 4629


Website Word Counter

Count the words on a website

37 uses
Use tool

PNG To WEBP Converter

Convert PNG images to WEBP

73 uses
Use tool

JPG To WEBP Converter

Convert JPG images to WEBP

54 uses
Use tool

JPEG To WEBP Converter

Convert JPEG images to WEBP

5 uses
Use tool

WEBP To PNG Converter

Convert WEBP images to PNG

19 uses
Use tool

Binary To Hexadecimal Converter

Convert Binary numbers to Hexadecimal

43 uses
Use tool

Hexadecimal To Binary Converter

Convert Hexadecimal numbers to Binary

35 uses
Use tool

JavaScript Beautifier

Format and prettify your JS code

39 uses
Use tool

Inodes Calculator

Calculates inodes for the exercises of University Essen Duisburg

401 uses
Use tool

Random ID Generator

Generate a unique and random ID

1930 uses
Use tool

JSON Beautifier

Format and prettify your JSON object

17 uses
Use tool

Tailwind Grid Generator

Generate a Tailwind CSS grid

50 uses
Use tool

URL Decoder

Decode a URL

6 uses
Use tool

URL Encoder

Encode a URL

6 uses
Use tool

UUID Generator

Generate one or multiple UUIDs.

462 uses
Use tool

Signed Binary Calculator

Calculate the signed binary representation of a number

1399 uses
Use tool

String to Hex Converter

Convert String to Hex

5 uses
Use tool

Hex to String Converter

Convert Hex to String

4 uses
Use tool

UTM Tag Builder

Build UTM tags for your URLs

4 uses
Use tool

Binary Calculator

Add, substract, multiply and divide binary numbers

3 uses
Use tool

Base64 to Hex Converter

Convert Base64 to Hex

6 uses
Use tool

Base64 to String Converter

Convert Base64 to String

2 uses
Use tool

String to Base64 Converter

Convert String to Base64

2 uses
Use tool

Hex to Base64 Converter

Convert Hex to Base64

5 uses
Use tool

JPEG To PNG Converter

Convert JPEG images to PNG

2 uses
Use tool

JPG To PNG Converter

Convert JPG images to PNG

0 uses
Use tool

Discord Permissions Calculator

Calculate Discord Permissions number

17 uses
Use tool

Manchester Encoder & Decoder

Encode and decode Manchester code

3 uses
Use tool