Total uses: 5034
Count the words on a website
Convert PNG images to WEBP
Convert JPG images to WEBP
Convert JPEG images to WEBP
Convert WEBP images to PNG
Convert Binary numbers to Hexadecimal
Convert Hexadecimal numbers to Binary
Format and prettify your JS code
Calculates inodes for the exercises of University Essen Duisburg
Generate a unique and random ID
Format and prettify your JSON object
Generate a Tailwind CSS grid
Decode a URL
Encode a URL
Generate one or multiple UUIDs.
Calculate the signed binary representation of a number
Convert String to Hex
Convert Hex to String
Build UTM tags for your URLs
Add, substract, multiply and divide binary numbers
Convert Base64 to Hex
Convert Base64 to String
Convert String to Base64
Convert Hex to Base64
Convert JPEG images to PNG
Convert JPG images to PNG
Calculate Discord Permissions number
Encode and decode Manchester code
Extract stats from Lewintan exam results PDF